* You can not make everyone happy
* Set some principles of your life and leave your life based upon it
* Be innovative in your approach
28 October, 2006
18 October, 2006

The idea of Nirdosh is really innovative one ..Well I came to know about it after we had a case study in Marketing Management subject ..
also u can google for "Nirdosh cigaratte India" ...
Better late than never ..
07 October, 2006
Dont Loose contact of ur inner voice

Hi Everyone,
I want to tell u that be good and friendly with all. But dont loose the contact with ur inner voice, the inner being, the original you. This original being is the one that makes you special amongst others. The Differentiator. You are in harmony with yourself when u are "U". Dont make too much of compromise with this pure soul. Its the Child within u. The good being.
03 October, 2006
Happiness Index
Happiness index: Indians fare a lot better than most
Gayatri Nayak MUMBAI
FOR a change, never mind the cold macro numbers. A 9% growth may liven up economists and stock market punters. It may not mean anything to you. But here’s something to further pep up your festive mood. India may be lagging even some of the African countries as far as human development goes, but Indians are far more happy than most in the planet. Certainly, more than the richer lot in G-8. What could be a little disappointing is that compared with her neighbours in the subcontinent, Indians are happier than only Burmese and Pakistanis. In fact, Bhutan, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh fare better than India in the happy country scale. If you disagree, blame it on a new report by the New Economic Foundation — a UK-based think-tank that compiles the happy planet index (HPI). According to the report, the archipelago in South Pacific Vanuatu, east of Australia, is the happiest country in the world. And, Zimbabwe in Africa is the saddest. Both are former British colonies. And the US, the world’s largest economy in terms of GDP, is ranked 150th. India is ranked 62 in terms of happiness, second only after China in the list of top 11 of nations ranked in terms of GDP. It’s another fact that India is ranked 125th in terms of human development indicators (HDI). In fact, almost the entire North America, Europe and Australia are less happy than India, with the exception of Austria and Malta, which are slightly happier than India. Others include Grenada, Uruguay and Ecquador. While Brazil, Iceland, Switzerland and Italy are a few notches sadder than India. New Economic Foundation has complied the index for 178 countries. The think-tank essentially looks for countries where people live long and happy lives without damaging the planet. The HPI combines data on life expectancy, surveys on life satisfaction and the consumption of natural resources (energy, land etc) in each country. Analysing a similar theme, a recent study by Deustche Bank Research has explanations to offer for the stagnation in happiness among richer countries. Three main reasons explain the long-run stagnation of happiness and life satisfaction. First, people simply get used to the higher income, consumption or circumstances: driving that new car for the first time may make you really happy — but this effect evaporates over time. Second, humans tend to aim ever higher: once the new house is completed, one may feel that it would be even better to have a house in a better or safer neighbourhood. Third, an individual’s satisfaction tends to be influenced by how well others are doing. Driving a big car may make you happy if you are the only person with such a car — but satisfaction with that same car quickly diminishes if friends and neighbours drive similar cars, says the report. Even worse, if you buy a big car, this may depress the happiness of your neighbours, so aggregate happiness may not rise, it says. On the happy index, the report says that because of its strong focus on the environment, this index favours countries near the equator. The HPI may be a good guide for holiday destinations, according to the German bank’s research arm.
Gayatri Nayak MUMBAI
FOR a change, never mind the cold macro numbers. A 9% growth may liven up economists and stock market punters. It may not mean anything to you. But here’s something to further pep up your festive mood. India may be lagging even some of the African countries as far as human development goes, but Indians are far more happy than most in the planet. Certainly, more than the richer lot in G-8. What could be a little disappointing is that compared with her neighbours in the subcontinent, Indians are happier than only Burmese and Pakistanis. In fact, Bhutan, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh fare better than India in the happy country scale. If you disagree, blame it on a new report by the New Economic Foundation — a UK-based think-tank that compiles the happy planet index (HPI). According to the report, the archipelago in South Pacific Vanuatu, east of Australia, is the happiest country in the world. And, Zimbabwe in Africa is the saddest. Both are former British colonies. And the US, the world’s largest economy in terms of GDP, is ranked 150th. India is ranked 62 in terms of happiness, second only after China in the list of top 11 of nations ranked in terms of GDP. It’s another fact that India is ranked 125th in terms of human development indicators (HDI). In fact, almost the entire North America, Europe and Australia are less happy than India, with the exception of Austria and Malta, which are slightly happier than India. Others include Grenada, Uruguay and Ecquador. While Brazil, Iceland, Switzerland and Italy are a few notches sadder than India. New Economic Foundation has complied the index for 178 countries. The think-tank essentially looks for countries where people live long and happy lives without damaging the planet. The HPI combines data on life expectancy, surveys on life satisfaction and the consumption of natural resources (energy, land etc) in each country. Analysing a similar theme, a recent study by Deustche Bank Research has explanations to offer for the stagnation in happiness among richer countries. Three main reasons explain the long-run stagnation of happiness and life satisfaction. First, people simply get used to the higher income, consumption or circumstances: driving that new car for the first time may make you really happy — but this effect evaporates over time. Second, humans tend to aim ever higher: once the new house is completed, one may feel that it would be even better to have a house in a better or safer neighbourhood. Third, an individual’s satisfaction tends to be influenced by how well others are doing. Driving a big car may make you happy if you are the only person with such a car — but satisfaction with that same car quickly diminishes if friends and neighbours drive similar cars, says the report. Even worse, if you buy a big car, this may depress the happiness of your neighbours, so aggregate happiness may not rise, it says. On the happy index, the report says that because of its strong focus on the environment, this index favours countries near the equator. The HPI may be a good guide for holiday destinations, according to the German bank’s research arm.
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