25 November, 2009


Hope is the driver of life according to me.

We hope, that we start speaking..
We hope, that we start walking..
We hope, that we start reading..
We hope,that we pass the test..
We hope to be successful...

Hope has so much positivity attached to it... it increases the chances of possibility..
Whenever the clouds of negativity block your head, make sure that the sun in the form of Hope shuns away all those clouds and keeps you bright.
Every morning I get up and tell to my self "Hope is a very powerful thing, let not ever lose it".

In the movie The Shawshank Redemption , there is a dialogue "Hope is good thing, may be the best of things, and good thing ever dies".

09 October, 2009

Plane delayed by bird on board

A South Korean passenger jet was grounded just before taking off so that crew members could catch a sparrow that was flying around in the cabin, airline officials said on Wednesday. “The bird got in through an open airplane door and was spotted during boarding,” said Cho Hyung-chul, a spokesman for Korean Air Line. The passengers on the flight were asked to leave the plane as the airline tried to prevent the bird from taking the domestic flight. “The bird was captured and set free,” Cho said. The flight’s 123 passengers were put on board a different plane and sent on their journey, which was delayed for nearly three hours.

Source: The Economic Times
Section: Suddenly Something
Link: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com

14 July, 2009

End (Bachelorette life) is a New beginning (Married Life)

Well, I was browsing through my saved SMSes and one of the SMSes was "Nothing happens by changing your face, but change can happen by facing the change". Though, I don't agree with the first part, but somehow I liked the placement of the words and the thought of facing change.

So, here I am standing at the so called peak of my life.

One very pleasant phase of my life is going to end and in few days and I will be all set to get married. Please don't read this as an unpleasant phase of life is going to start. But there are apprehensions and uncertainities that are attached to it, which I guess everyone who is going to get married has.

Being a person, who decides the path of her life, independtly, this transition will be really difficult one. Life will become a function of two lives, rather than one life.

Ideally, my dream is to make this phase even better than the present phase of my life. So I am trying my level best to become a suitable candidate for my would be. Reading "The 24 x 7 Marriage", book by Vijay Nagaswami. Ya, I know, reading books alone can not help. But if one knows some tips in advance then those will come in handy at the time of need.

At the end, they say, that suspense of marriage is only known after getting married. So, experience it. Enjoy it.

Here I am ready to embrace the change !
Here I am awaiting my wedding! :) :)

01 May, 2009

White and light

This is an innocuous food for all times. Different languages refer it as follows:- Assamese -Muri, Gujarati - Mumra, Kannada - Kadle poori , Mandalu and Mandakki, Konkani - Chanburo, Malayalam - Porei, Marathi - Kurmure / Murmure, Tamil - Pori, Telugu - Borugulu or Mora moraalu (similar to "mur mure"), Tulu - Churmuri and Kurlu and Hindi Parmal. Thats, white and light, puffed rice for you. (Courtesy :- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puffed_rice )

Different permutations and combinations will give variety of items to tickle your taste buds.
Be it, the famous Bhel puri or laddoo coated with jaggery syrup, or spicy puffed rice upma and the list goes on.

Enlisting a few benefits which are top of the mind recall
- No Fats
- Rich in carbohydrates
- Easy to digest
- Not sure of expiry date ( I think its 1 year)
For more information on puffed rice nutrition ,check the following link
Of course there are cons also, like :- it is more harmful for your teeth than any sweets. But, you can always brush your teeth after that.

For me, puffed rice is my dinner when Tiffin doesn’t come. So next time when you are coming to my place you know what is there for dinner. :D.

05 April, 2009

I vote against Noise Pollution

It was 12 am and I was almost ready to hit the bed. I was really sleepy by the time, I Bid adieu to online chat friends. Switched off the light and went inside the mosquito net. I was so damn tired that I was about to sleep as soon as my head touched the pillow. But the rhythm of drums was not letting me fell asleep.

Domlur village festival is going on and the statue of the deity is taken through the streets in a procession accompanied with dancing to the beats of drums. The so called "celebration" started during late afternoon and different drum beats were audible from all the directions.

Under the rule, live performances by bands are now banned after the 11 PM in Bangalore. So is dancing in clubs and discotheques. Karaoke nights at pubs and clubs, where the city's wannabe singers gathered to make some noise, have ended. The police have even ruled that club or bars keep music low.

So here I was ,sitting in my bed, closing my ears by hands and waiting for the procession to pass by. It was passing from the street adjacent to my house. Half an hour passed, still it didn't stop. I was really bugged up by this time. I picked up my phone and called "Just dial Bangalore". I asked them to provide me phone number of the authority whom I can speak to requesting can stoppage of this "Noise". He provided Bangalore police station, Indiranagar's phone number. It was 1:30 AM by now and still drum beats were so loud that none of the people in the locality will be able to sleep. I called up the police station and asked them to stop this nonsense. They told me that they will do this at the earliest. In say about, 5 minutes the noise became lower and then just stopped. I am not sure what happened. There are two possibilities here. Either the procession was over or the police came and stopped them.

Noise is just one example of the many vices that are present in our society. The moral of the story is that the proliferation of the vices is not because of the activity of the nonsensical elements but because of the passivity of the sensible elements. So blow the whistle and execute your right to vote …

27 March, 2009

C'est la vie!

Here I am..relishing each bite of Maggi Cuppa Mania Chilli Chow Yo !, on a Friday morning. Its a long weekend. Still woke up at 5:50 AM at the ring of alarm...and called and woke up one of the friends, as per my promise. Its Ugadi (New year for the people of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh), Gudi Padva (New Year for people of Maharashtra) and Cheti Chand( New Year for the People of Sindh). So SMSed all my friends "Happy New Year", while reading India Today's 16th March 09 issue. And fell asleep in the mean while.. Woke up again ..Checked mails.. Thinking of going for a half day conducted tour to Bangalore.. (Abhi tak bangalore darshan nahin kiye).. have downloaded movies "American Beauty", "Good Fellas" and "He is just not that into you" through bit torrent..will watch those...on Saturday..may go for "Thermal and A Quarter's " rock concert at St. Joseph 's College of Commerce. Of course, the entry is free...Shall start reading some books that are long pending... (Shall post the book names , once I finish reading them).

Had it not been last minute cancellation of one planned trip , it being a long weekend, could have planned a good outing in and around Bangalore. But who knows , these are "Changing Times" and whether you feel happy or sad it all depends on your viewpoint towards life..( Reiterating the crux of one of my previous posts).. So "C'est la vie", a French phrase meaning "That's life" or "it's the life !

24 March, 2009

Anything is possible

It's difficult to even know what many of your limiting beliefs are because they are so well entrenched. Yet day after day, they hold you back and obscure your view of life's best possibilities.

To set yourself free of those limiting beliefs, crowd them out with inspiration. The more inspired you are, the more easily you'll dissolve the beliefs that hold you back.

Focus on a beautiful, wonderful, meaningful possibility. Feel how you must let go of your limiting beliefs in order to fully imagine and comprehend that possibility.

See that ultimately, the only thing that really holds you back is your belief that you cannot move forward. Once you've let that go, you free yourself to soar.

Anything is possible. And underneath all those illusions of limitation, you know it without a doubt.
Trade your limitations for inspirations. And fulfill the best that is within you.

03 March, 2009

Viewpoint (+ve)

The Recession Twister is going all over the place with each passing day. Not a single business is left unaffected due to its impact. Twisters are generally used to symbolize negative impact. But hey! Lets look at it in a different way. It is destroying the old order and is giving opportunity for new things to come up. This is one of the many perceptions and then the most popular perception is that of fear of unknown, job loss and lost business. The type of perception hat you don totally depends upon your viewpoint in life. Most often this viewpoint is labeled as luck, fate, destiny etc. Some curse their fate when things don’t work according to their expectations and others rejoice and feel lucky when something good happens beyond their expectations. Once in a while having either of the above feelings i.e. of being sad or happy is fine. But constantly cursing ones fate or feeling lucky always, are cases, which are purely based on viewpoint in life.

I know one employee who was asked to leave, as his company was cutting all the fat due to economic slowdown. Upon asking what is his next move, he happily said that he, along with some of his friends is mulling over a business plan of starting something in gaming industry. He had thought about this long back and now he is getting this opportunity to realize his childhood dream. This is a very live and recent example of what a viewpoint can do to you and it’s totally left upon you to choose from.

I am ending this post with a very powerful line from Paulo Coelho’s book, Alchemist, “When you really want something to happen, the whole universe conspires so that your wish comes true”. Now here is the quiz question. Which viewpoint is this? a) positive b) negative

Music and me

These days not a single day passes by when I have not listened to my favourite music tracks. This music sets my mood for the entire day. Generally the day starts with fast beat music at a little louder volume. This gives tremendous energy. Singing along with your favourite songs gives you self-confidence. Music is a heavenly thing, which has no substitute.

20 February, 2009

When blogging is not on your mind

After so many months I am blogging. And I am having this feeling of uneasiness. A year ago, when I was pursuing MBA, blogging came naturally to me. May be, I had a lot of time to think, relax and structure my thoughts. But today, I am feeling as if I have to learn riding a bicycle again and keep in mind how to maintain the balance while driving.
It seems, life has become transactional these days. No new thoughts, opinions or ideas are coming. In a way, life is giving so many experiences so fast that before I gather them and put it in a structure, some new thing would happen and it would override the previous thought. Anyway, let me share with you names of my recently read books. In past couple of months, I read a book "Career Dynamics" by Edgar Schien. Its a wonderful book in which the concept of career anchors amazes me. One of the classics, you can say. These days I am reading another book titled "Winning" by Jack Welch. Warren Buffet says "No other management book will be ever needed" and I am finding it true. The book is full of Jack Welch's experiences which he had during his 40 years of corporate life.

So thats it. I shall post more soon.. Keep reading !!