Some people think that they are free to say anything. True, we are a democratic country and we have freedom of speech. But, then the worst is that these people feel that they can give opinions on any one and anything, that too in public, making fun of others or criticizing others. While doing so they commit violence (“Ahimsa”). This is violence, as they are having fun at the cost of hurting others’ feelings. If the opposite person does not respond back in the same sense, he/she feels that the opposite person is incompetent and is worth contempt. But a sensible opposite may actually does not want to respond to his/her crude comments at times and come down to his/her mean levels. He/she may remain silent and tolerate his/her comments when actually he/she really feeling bad. Well feeling bad and being emotional is not at all a bad thing. But then the silent tolerater should in due course of time learn how to respond to his/her comments in his/her own silent ways. The rule here is don’t keep in your grievances for longer time in your mind and heart. Find a correct time as soon as possible and clarify the matters. “Happy u are “, “Nice is the world around u”.
1 comment:
Hey.. what is bothering you so much girl?
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