17 September, 2007

I am blessed !!

Dont take the nice and best things in your life, for granted. They need your attention and care.

Dont test their limits. They may shatter and never be the same again.

Dont take their goodness for a ride. Life gives you one chance. And time and words once gone never come back.

Live your life at best but before that take atmost care of the those that make your life worth living.

Life is teaching me so much each day. I am really grateful to my fate and that supreme being for making me a skillful sailor in this rough sea of life.


Anurag said...

nice post
but then there are times u take the utmost care...but still the ones u love...drift away...right in front of u...n u cant do anything

in ur below post...u mentioned one needs to let out steam...but sometimes u just cant...coz its urself u r the most angry with...n u then u think...what could i have done...n then u have no one to blame...but shit has happened...n someone is responsible...

there i go again

n u beleive in the supreme being...thats good...something to beleive in...n yes...life teaches u a lot...many a times the hard way...the very very very hard way.....


Nasia said...

did u write this.. very true. :)

Drushti said...

@ Anurag,

True ...Many times u just cant control anything and bad things happen just all of a sudden and no matter how much care u take ..they just depart... So live whatever time you have with them in fullest manner ...so that you dont have to regret later...

@ Nasia

Yup I wrote out of emotinal outburst. Basically I am an emotional being (which I shud be not as a would be manager)...Kabhi very sad and Kabhi very happy and satisfied...!!