At the start of your new job/work, you have your own pace, your own zest, of doing work in the organization. As time passes, either you have conflicts with the methodology of the organization or you adapt to the methodology of the organization. If the organization’s way of doing work is lead back kind of and moves ahead in a laggard manner then its really bad. It will change you to work slowly. There can be many such non acceptable things present at the organization u work for, like bureaucracy etc. You can not enforce your good ways of tackling the work in a matter of week or month or even sometimes a year or two. The work culture of the organization is there since the time it was incepted. To bring the change you need to be a part of the system and slowly by getting along with the processes you can bring in that change. The duration of such a change depends on the magnitude of the change. The change that is near to the truth or the truth itself, will take the least time to get accepted. So let your changes be the changes for the progress of organization built on the strong foundation of truth so that no earthquake (trend change) will be able to disrupt it.
Hey, ur right. 'am facing the same issue. Till last month I was in my sphere. Did my work the rest taken care by the Lead. Then suddenly they recognised my talent; out of no were, and now I have access to senior Management but the issue is now i have sleepless night. 'am exposed to the dirty deeds of higher managemet. 'am confused - what I should do? You have any answer for the same?
Hey Jeo, As u go up the ladder in an organization, you will come across politics played in a very subtle way. Just dont lose track of the truth.
If work pressure is tearing you apart, then decide your priority. If you are valuable to them, bargain for your comfort. Asking for salary hike is fine. But finally its your life, that is on rent.
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