19 October, 2008
Stress fosters superstition

10 October, 2008
Baat samjaa karo

Organization as an organism

28 September, 2008
Goal Posts

There are hundreds and thousands of stimuli in environment. You react to these stimuli according to your characteristics (brought up, education, reading, movies etc). And that in turn determines your personality. It’s a feedback loop here.
Once you reach certain goal post of your life, the spark generation rate decreases for a certain period of time and then you start hunting for next goal. This is not the ideal and healthy way to move ahead. As is with the heart beats for the healthy physical life so is with the spark generations for mental life. Both need to be regular. The number of heart beats is determined by the Supreme power of this Universe. The destination here is death. The number of sparks shall be determined by none other than you. The destination here is goal of life.
The feedback loop will contribute to the quality/type of spark generations and the clear cut path to reach goal posts will determine the number of spark generations. Hence good quality supply at regular intervals shall be responsible for a successful life, if to be successful means to achieve once goal.
23 September, 2008
Shall post on a regular basis...

My intentions to post were to reflect upon some of the things that I have so far experienced as a working professional. Communication is very important at workplace. You are as good as your communication. It is a very broad term which covers written and verbal communication, presentation skills, negotiation skills, conflict management skills, selling skills, interpersonal skills, body language etc. Hence the way you communicate things determines your image in the organization. A professor in one of the training sessions that I recently attended, shared the following nugget of wisdom, “People in this world do not relate to the information with you.(Like education, age, etc) but rather the meaning they draw out of you. (The way you occur to them).” It seems very true to me.
Another thing, is one related to the organization. It is the implementation of the theoretical frameworks. It is very good to conceptualize things and come up with nice looking models. But models should finally concretize in to realities i.e they should be implementable at the end of the day. Implementation becomes easy and fast when they are simple and in sync with various other functions of organization and more importantly with the organizational strategy.
I shall post many more reflections in the future posts. So readers watch out this space.
You all are my customers and I shall try my best to cater to your interests. So may I request to you all to leave comments on my posts (no problem even if it is posted as an anonymous). Until next time, keep thinking !! :)
24 July, 2008
The Fallen Tomato Cart !! by Subroto Bagchi (Co-founder and CEO of Mindtree Consulting

Came across this wonderful article ....
I pass through this very intersection every morning with so much ease. Today, the
pace is skewed. There is a sense of disarray as motorists try to push past each other
through the traffic light. The light here always tests their agility because if you miss the green, you have to wait for another three minutes before it lets you go past again. Those three minutes become eternity for an otherwise time-insensitive nation on the move. Today, there is a sense of chaos here. People are honking, skirting each other and rushing past. I look out of my window to seek the reason. It is not difficult to find because it is lying strewn all over the place.
A tomato seller’s cart has overturned. There are tomatoes everywhere and the rushing motorists are making pulp of it. The man is trying to get his cart back on its four rickety wheels and a few passersby are picking up what they can in an attempt to save him total loss. Though symbolic in the larger scheme of things, it is not a substantive gesture. His business for the day is over.
The way this man’s economics works is very simple. There is a money lender who lends him money for just one day, at an interest rate of Rs 10 per day per Rs 100 lent. With the money, he wakes up at 4 am to go to the wholesale market for vegetables. He returns, pushing his cart a good five miles, and by 7 am when the locality wakes up, he is ready to sell his day’s merchandise. By the end of the morning, some of it remains unsold. This his wife sells by the afternoon and takes
home the remainder, which becomes part of his meal. With the day’s proceeds, he returns the interest to the money lender and goes back to the routine the next day. If he does not sell for a day, his chain breaks.
Where does he go from here? He goes back to the money lender, raises capital at an even more penal interest and gets back on his feet. This is not the only time that destiny has upset his tomato cart. This happens to him at least six times every year. Once he returned with a loaded cart of ripe tomatoes and it rained heavily for the next three days. No one came to the market and his stock rotted in front of his own eyes. Another time, instead of the weather, it was a political rally that snowballed into a confrontation between two rival groups and the locality closed down. And he is
not alone in this game of extraneous factors that seize not only his business but also his life. He sees this happen to the “gol-gappa” seller, the peanut seller and the “vada pao” seller all the time. When their product does not sell, it just turns soggy.
Sometimes they eat some of it. But how much of that stuff can you eat by yourself? So, they just give away some and there is always that one time when they have to simply throw it away.
professional insecurity. We wonder, what would happen if the company shifted offices to another city? What would happen if the department closed down? What would happen if you were to take maternity leave and the temporary substitute delivered better work than you did? What would happen if the product line you are dealing with simply failed? In any of those eventualities, the worst that could happen would still be a lot less than having to see your cartful of tomatoes getting pulped
under the screeching wheels of absolute strangers who have nothing personal against you.
All too often we exaggerate our risks. We keep justifying our professional concerns till they trap us in their vicious downward spiral. Devoid of education, sophisticated reasoning and any financial safety net, the man with the cart is often able to deal with life much better than many of us. Is it time to look out of the window, into the eyes of that man to ask him, where does he get it from? In his simple stoicism, is probably, our lost resilience.
14 July, 2008
New Life in Progress

Regarding my stay, I got a place which is 20 mins walking distance from my office. It’s the place, which I don’t want to leave. This is not because I am very attached to it and it’s the most beautiful place on earth, but because I have to give change of address for so many things in a row: my phone bill, credit card bill etc. The rent is quite high but then its okay considering the mental peace I get by being home alone (that’s how I console myself). I have given up now. I tried all the means to get ONE roommate. Many came to see my place and many suggested moving to a new place with them. But then intuitive (BLINK) me didn’t feel like moving out to other place.
On weekends it gets boring and loneliness starts eating you. I joined music classes soon as a part of long pending hobby to pursue. The classes are on weekends and that helps shun away part of the weekend boredom.
I am really excited for my new vehicle. I bought it on the same day I enrolled my self for music class. I commute to office and near by places using it and people get surprised at the first mention of this vehicle. Well expecting a similar reaction from readers as well. This vehicle is none other than a “BICYCLE”. Yes people I bought a Hero Street Racer. It makes me feel happy that I have a unique (different) vehicle and I am the recipient of whole lot of other benefits like no fuel needs, daily health exercise tool etc.
Reading books and newspapers form the rest of the part of my getting rid of boredom in addition to talking on phone with family and friends and surfing net from cyber cafe.
Don’t know till how long this feeling of “NEWNESS” will last: New job, new city, new phase of life as a professional.
20 April, 2008
"The Next level thing"
It is very natural of human nature that its needs are ever increasing. It wants more and more [not Aditya Birla's Retail store ;) ]. In this process Man's level of happiness is decreasing. Be it his career or salary or any other material possession, he wants the "next level thing". Well this is good when it is in terms of gaining knowledge or progress in career. This is his intellectual or calibre thirst which will make her/his personality more and more refined each time it is quenched. But when it comes to material possessions such thirst will lead to nothing but unhappiness.
Perfection is a very subjective term. According to me, it can never be attained. One can only strive to attain it throughout her/his life. But satisfaction can be attained and enjoyed. And dont confuse satisfaction with complacency. To be complacent is to be satisfied with one's faults. The satisfaction that I am referring to here means contentment you gain when you feel you have done something right. This leads to happy state of mind and that makes mind free to mingle with the world that is very typical of you.
Rampent competition in all the walks of life is giving a feeling of being "incompetent" to a person who dosent achieve the standards set by society. And he/she feels satisfied when he/she attains those. But do they think why are they strieving so hard to attain those or how will he/she meet her/his personal goals by meeting those standards set by society? ( well ..how many of us have personal goals here).
So the bottom line is, satisfaction be it materail or spiritual, can bring true happiness to you and its better if one sets his/her standards to attain it. ( It is assumed that standards here mean something that one considers to be ideal).
11 April, 2008
Head Hunting
She decides to go for searching the candidate right away. She directly goes into labour market and finds two candidates who were on their way to existing jobs. Facilitator establishes a quick conversation with both of them on one-to-one basis. She assesses the likelihood of both the candidates to perform the job and finally requests both the candidates to come to company and perform job.
Of the two candidates only one turns up and gets the word of appointment.
The candidates in the description above are none other than maid servants for washing clothes. Main selector is none other than my mom and facilitator is myself. This is "Kahaani Ghar Ghar ki " these days.
With mall culture entering India, westernization happening in the retail sector is affecting the supply of all the labour intensive sectors. They are attracting the labour force. All the maids that used to work for you a year back are all joining mega stores and hypermarkets to make quick and big money. So be prepared to be self reliant for all household chores. (Especially working people, this is like ringing of death knell for you).
07 March, 2008
The Shadow
"आरंभ गुरवि क्ष्यानी क्रमेण lअघ्वी पुरावृधि मति च पश्चात ।
दिनस्य पूर्वार्ध परार्ध भिन्न छाएव मैत्री खल सज्जनानाम ॥ "
It means the friendship of a true friend is like the shadow during the morining and the evening time. The the friendship of a false friend is like the shadow at noon.
Such shlokas of wisdom spring from some corner of the brain when some relevant things happen around us. What a brain and what a mother ( कोटी कोटी वंदन)
06 March, 2008
But it makes me feel really bad that the substitute coexist with the real product and is waiting for its disapperance. A substitute is a substitute at the end of the day not that thing !!
01 March, 2008
This is not what we expect out of this exercise!!
After reading this article, all my and other peoples actions are judged on "whether he/she became egoistic about the labels or retained his/her true self."
Today we had a MDP with executives of some well known (upcoming) firm as a part of our course named "strategy". We students were asked to make presentations on the scenario thinking related to a place where the firm plans to launch its products. Our "DEAR" ( I truely mean it :) ) faculty had guided us to be less statistics oriented and have a more creative approach. We followed his instruction and prepared the presentation accordingly. We did a pretty good job. But according to some we just over did with the creativity part ( all because of our wild imaginations :D)...
We started the presentation. Everything was going on smoothly. Camera man was recording the session. I was looking at the audience as one of my team mate was presenting. All were attentive. Those who understood the humour hidden in the content were laughing at those points. Our faculty was also happy ( I want to put a better word here , but cant find it) and satisfied. Suddenly after 10-12 mins, one executive stoop up. He is the Senior Vice President of that firm. He said rudely, "This is not we expect from this exercise." He asked the camera man in Tamil to stop the recording and cut that part of the tape very arrogantly. We all were taken aback. Our faculty asked him to let us finish the presentation. He refused. My team mate who was presenting asked for a "one minute break"..and a glass of water..!! He tried his best and said two three lines related to presentation and then stopped. He lost the flow.
What can be an apt example of labels that we carry..? Anyways "To Err is Human, To Forgive Divine." A mistake done once out of emotional outburst can be forgiven.
Hope we b-schoolers remain as much "unlabelled" as possible.
27 February, 2008
Naina Hair Cut
Two ladies were waiting for their turn. They were reading some Bollywood magazines. My eyes started searching for more such magazines as I had assumed that I have to wait for some time. Sat in the couch for some 15 seconds and before I made any attempts to grab attention of the owner, she asked me.."How can I help you ? " ...I felt happy. (Lucky day)..I replied," I want a haircut". Then she thought for a while. She asked one of her staff members by calling her name to find whether she was free. As she was busy she herself decided to cut my hair. She asked for my hair style preference. I said," I want Lady Diana hair cut". She said," It will be like a boy cut. Do you want so short hair?". I said," I want that". (A Lady Diana fan said that:)). Then she observed my face and present hair cut for some 2-3 seconds and said," How about a blunt cut." I said, " Ok that would do. Last time I had the same cut and I liked that." Then she again thought for a little while and said, " Come have a seat"...I asked," So finally which hair style?"..She said," I dont know. I dont have a name for it, but I want to try it." ..I said," New things is welcome unless and until they look good on me."...
She started to beautify me with her scissors, hairclips, water sparys and combs. She was making each and every cut meticulously. I was impressed this seemingly seasoned hair dresser...She had a pleasant smile on her face which was also very natural. I was thinking, if I get this kind of hair cut at the same rate as I paid last time for a blunt cut, then its worth it...
A cut here and a cut there...it took her 15 mins to finish her job... She held another mirror at back and asked me," Is it ok?" I said with satisfaction," Yes". I asked her," May I know your name?". She happily said, "Naina". I said, " From now on this hair cut will be known as Naina hair cut". She chuckled. After that looking at myself in the mirror I asked, " So how much do I have to pay?". Naina handed me the bill. I was shocked a little bit. The amount was the double of what I paid earlier. I said that earlier I paid half this amount. Then she explained to me that if you go for a change in hairstyle you will be charged this. There was no space for bargaining. I had to pay the billed amount. So the morale of story is "NEVER ASSUME ANYTHING!!" (For those who have read my previous post "Laughing @ my assumptions and hence inferences"....assumed things again )
19 February, 2008
Dincharya for the last trimester of MBA course
Then while climbing down the staircase, on my way to mess, wish people "Good morning"...See "Dosa" as breakfast. Feel happy. This Trimester I dont have classes in morning. So have the "Luft" (In Urdu this means "Pleasure") of having the breakfast. I also keep track of the late comers of our batch who have morning class. Four of my batch mates are participants of this daily contest of "who is the latecomer of the day?" They ask me whether xyz has already gone or not?.. I enjoy being the nanny there.
After having breakfast with hot class of milk I go and collect newspapers. This is part of my morning duty, assigned by my best friend. The logic is simple. She/he has subsribed to these newspapers and if not collected in morning then someone will take those. And then you will have "tain tain Fish" :) . .... Read newspaper...(mostly headlines ;) )...then take a chhotu nap. .(wah last trimister ke jalse kuchh aur he hain) ...then around 11 am start working for the assignment pending for the class at 2 pm ....
Till now have managened to finish the assignment before lunch..( before 1 pm) ...then take bath..go and have lunch..do timepass/subject discussions with friends..attend class and wait for the coffee break ...again attend class and wait for it to get over...then chat with friends/go to tea shop to accompany them/go for shopping/go to landmark bookshop to accompany best friend/go to sleep if class was really boring or really required lots of mental work/ take bath as in morning didnt get time...
Then my dearest mumma calls..talk with her as if she is sitting in front of me...in her words ..this is "Mumma's daily service" :). Then open mails, orkut, and all such time consumer websites...
Time moves so fast that you never know its dinner time..
After dinner go for a walk to tea shop again to accompany friends...then come back.. do some useful reading, exploring, surfing, blogging, at times group work for next day class...then wicket starts falling ...dozzing off process starts....
Pull my mosquito net..tie all four strings..cover my bed with it properly and protect myself from those sleep disturbers...say my good nite prayers and go to bed ...with the hope of a new , beautiful day ..
Chalo good nite readers..time for me to pull my Mosquito net....
16 February, 2008
Some wonderful quotes by some wonderful people in the History of Human Kind
1.What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality.
Rank, Otto - 1884-1939, Vienna-born Psychoanalyst
2.For what is the best choice, for each individual is the highest it is possible for him to achieve.
Aristotle, - BC 384-322, Greek Philosopher
3. The achievements which society rewards are won at the cost of diminution of personality
Jung, Carl - 1875-1961, Swiss Psychiatrist
4.High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectation.
Kinder, Jack Character
5.We always take credit for the good and attribute the bad to fortune.
La Fontaine, Jean De - 1621-1695, French Poet
6. Man is always more than he can know of himself; consequently, his accomplishments, time and again, will come as a surprise to him.
Mann, Golo - 1909-, German Historian
7. The greatest things are accomplished by individual people, not by committees or companies. Montapert, Alfred A. - American Author
1.It is in the character of very few men to honor without envy a friend who has prospered.
Aeschylus, - BC 525-456, Greek Dramatist
2.Old age and sickness bring out the essential characteristics of a man.
Frankfurter, Felix - 1882-1965, Austrian-born American Law Teacher
3.Men show their character in nothing more clearly than what they think laughable.
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von - 1749-1832, German Poet
4. Character is the result of two things: Mental attitude and the way we spend our time.
Hubbard, Elbert - 1859-1915, American Author, Publisher
5. By constant self-discipline and self-control you can develop greatness of character.
Kleiser, Grenville - 1868-1953, American Author
6. Instill the love of you into all the world, for a good character is what is remembered.
1. Faith has to do with things that are not seen, and hope with things that are not in hand.
Acquinas, Saint Thomas
2. Faith is building on what you know is here, so you can reach what you know is there.
Hightower, Cullen
3. Absolute faith corrupts as absolutely as absolute power.
Hoffer, Eric - 1902-1983, American Author
4. It's faith in something and enthusiasm for something that makes life worth living.
Holmes, Oliver Wendell - 1809-1894, American Author
5. You don't love someone because they're beautiful. They're beautiful because you love them.
6. The supernatural is the natural not yet understood.
Hubbard, Elbert - 1859-1915, American Author
1.Music, the greatest good that mortals know, And all of heaven we have below.
Addison, Joseph - 1672-1719, British Essayist
2. Music expresses that which can not be said and on which it is impossible to be silent.
Hugo, Victor - 1802-1885, French Poet
1.What we hope ever to do with ease, we must learn first to do with diligence.
Johnson, Samuel - 1709-1784, British Author
2.Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.
Kennedy, John F. - 1917-1963, Thirty-fifth President of the USA
3.Welcome the task that makes you go beyond yourself.
Mcgee, Frank
4. I would rather earn 1% off a 100 people's efforts than 100% of my own efforts.
Rockefeller, John D. - 1839-1937, American Industrialist
1. Many ideas grow better when transplanted into another mind than in the one where they sprung up. Holmes, Oliver Wendell - 1809-1894, American Author
1.Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly.
Hughes, Langston - 1902-1967, American Poet
1.Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,but by the moments that take our breath away.
-George Carlin-comedian
Life is short
THey say it takes a minute to find a special person,an hour to appreciate them.a day to love them and entire life to forget them.
1. Opinions are neither right nor wrong. I cannot change your opinion of me. I can, however, change what influences your opinion.- David Crow
Its true you don't know what you've got until its gone, but its also true you don't know what you've been missing until it arrives!!!
Thank God I have a blog !!
Fake people... Out of confidence interval...Square peg in a round whole...Jack of all master of none...inconsistency....attitude....Believe in urself...strategy.... diplomatic...emotional... Hypocrates...double standards.....lazy....indirect...external validation...will add some more soon..
The people who publicaly say person xyz irritates me, dont know how much irritating they are...
Some people have crab like mentality...if one person is trying to do something good or different from them ...they will pull him/her down to their level and will not let him/her move ahead.
13 February, 2008
Self awareness
A post a day, makes readers to stay (with your blog)
13 January, 2008
Portfolio called life !!
Well, my friends are all complaining that since long i didnt post at my blog and as usual I promised them to post something. So my dear readers here is the much awaited post..
As mentioned in my post earlier, I get the title before I think about the content. May seem strange. But thats the way it happens to me these days. It happened so, the other day I had FT (Financial Technology) exam. As was the case with few other papers so was the case with this. I was going through the material to study just two days before the exam. Now during night time the philosophical side of my personality becomes active. And so I was reading when , I came across this term called portfolio.I kept on reading it again and again like a record stuck on the player. May be I was dozzing off to glory.Then the half asleep philosophical mind said something. And it was something that amazed me. It said "life too is a portfolio."
Your type and amount of investments will decide your returns... but finally it all depends on your risk appetite..Higher the risk, higher the return and vice versa...
Hence a small post ....just to justify the title. Nothing that profound...May be a cliche one ..but then something...
To know more about portfolio (finance) ..click ---> Portfolio