17 December, 2007
Laughing @ my assumptions and hence inferences
Well, the title came out of something that had happened today. It was failure in a test. The test is called "trust". Initially I have failed in this test many times but the examiner is a very magnanimous and pure soul who would each time give me one more chance. He/She has a hidden hope somewhere in her/his heart that someday I will clear this test. Thanks to him/her for his/her leniency and for believing in me.
Failure of the test today made me feel really miserable as last time when I failed the test I had shown high prospects of clearing the test next time. But each time when testing times come I just move to some lower levels and hence fail the test. This level according to me is the level titled "Social Needs". This realization was a result of a little bit of introspection that had automatically started in my mind ..even though my eyes were mechanically reading the Strategic Human Resource Management book's Index. I closed the book thereafter and then got the true reason of failure. I started laughing by myself on myself. This laugh made me feel lighter and in true sense happy. The concrete reason that I managed to put in words is as follows:
"Assumptions you make and Inferences you draw from those are very much related" .
My assumptions when I appear for the test were my own and hence the inferences I drew were also my own. This caused failure. So the bottom line is unless and until mentioned don’t assume things. Be it theory or practical, work or life, move ahead on the basis of facts.
*For those who are unaware of the levels that I have mentioned above, I am referring to Maslow's Hirearchy of Needs.
Apology: People who know this incidence, I sincerely apologize for making the entire incidence a bit fictitious. Modifications are made to convey the essence of the topic to the readers.
02 October, 2007
Island of Ants
Night passed. The next day again I found ants. I was surprised this time and again did the same thing which I did the day before. This time I was keen to know why the ants were coming inside my jug. The third day same thing happened and I got fed up of this thing. Finally I took other jug from the mess and started drinking water from it.
The scientific reason that I can think is that there is still some deposit in the water jug or some essence that is attracting the ants. (Who has time to remove these microscopic things..)
The imaginative reason which first came to my mind was that this is an evolution and ants are forming colonies on water…!! What say? I have still kept water in that jug and those little creatures venture and stay (group swim ..hehe) in it..
17 September, 2007
I am blessed !!
Dont test their limits. They may shatter and never be the same again.
Dont take their goodness for a ride. Life gives you one chance. And time and words once gone never come back.
Live your life at best but before that take atmost care of the those that make your life worth living.
Life is teaching me so much each day. I am really grateful to my fate and that supreme being for making me a skillful sailor in this rough sea of life.
24 August, 2007
When it hurts

22 August, 2007
When I actually want to post

Sometimes I have story, incidence etc. to post here, but due to the engagements mentioned above, I am unable to post anything in this space. We have a subject named 'Soft skills' this time. In that the instructor has asked us to make a 24 hour timetable for oneself and make best efforts to abide by it. So in today's timetable I deliberately allotted a slot to type this post.
Don’t know how life is going to be in future. At present you can say that I am in the bed of roses. Things are going to be much more difficult than what it is now and I have to deal with much more difficult people. (Now friends surround me)
We can predict the working of the machine. What we can not predict is the behavior of the human beings. No matter how ever familiar you are to some people, its just next to impossible to predict their behavior. Be it good or bad you get surprises at various points. I am not sure whether these surprises are because my ignorance and inexperience.
Life is the most able teacher for me and I am learning as things are coming along my way. I would try to post quite often now onwards!!
09 July, 2007
Want to be a happy man?
Its a book that one should read at different stages of ones life...I happened to read it at the age of 23. When I am 35 or 50 it will have a different meaning for me.
It is one of the best self-help books I have ever come across.
One thing I would like to mention is that ...great works are there in such life changing books..but all is in vain unless practiced in real life.
All in all a must read book!!
07 July, 2007
Chennai Stories - 1

Incidence - 1
One day my friend and I were at Koyembedu private bus stand (Chennai) and we wanted to go to Spencer's plaza (one of the oldest shopping mall of Chennai). We asked the auto rickshaw drivers for the amount they would charge to take us to that place. This is typical of Chennai. Here the auto rickshaws will have the fare meters. But the drivers will never charge fare according to the meter. Instead they will charge some arbitrary amount and extort money from the passengers like anything. If you are aware of the distance and the fares that are generally charged, u know how much is apt and up to what you can bargain. But if you are a novice then be prepared to get “looted” by them.
Taking this into consideration, the auto fellows were asking for somewhere in the range of 80 -100 bucks. This was just too much and therefore we decided to go by the local city bus. We needed the direction to reach to that place and so we asked a few people for the way to the bus stand. One old gentleman, instead of showing us the directions, came all the way with us to the bus stand. This was some 1 -1 ½ Kilometer from the place. My friend and I were just wondering why he came all the way there. What is the motivation for him to come all the way to that place without any selfish motive?
He was the hero of the day in my eyes. I was thinking about this and one day, I chanced upon to read somewhere that some people feel motivated by helping others. There are many live and bigger examples of such people the in past. But this was one live and recent case before my eyes. When such things happen, very naturally you pray to Almighty for the well being of that person.

On the roadside, I saw an old lady cobbler having her afternoon “siesta”. She was dark in complexion. A little bit fat. She wore a saree. Though she was a cobbler her nose and ears were pierced with jewellery that looked of gold to me. She wore a thick golden necklace and many bangles. Now ladies with this much jewellery is a common sight in Chennai. She had a hand fan lying besides her. Expression on her face were that of an “angry old lady”. A mat containing her tools and many shoes were lying in front of her. It seemed that she is into this business from quite sometime. This was taking into consideration her age and the way tools were lying on the mat. All required tools were arranged so that they are handy and convenient to use.
I thought of waking her up. But then, thought of not spoiling her nap. But my presence around woke her. I don’t know Tamil so I showed her my bag and the torn part. She took the bag and started stitching the torn part. She really did a good job. I asked for the fees. She showed me with her 3 fingers “3”. I understood that she asked for three rupees. I thought that this wonderful job is at least worth Rs. 10 (Kunjoos me !! ). So, I handed over a 10 rupees note. She gave a perplexed look to me then I asked “what?” Then again with her fingers she showed me 3 and 10. I thought I understood this time what she was asking for. So I wrote on the ground with my fingers “30”. She nodded her head. I started laughing at my intended generosity and I was literary feeling like a fool. Then I explained her that the amount she got was okay. But then she was looking very furious, so I gave some other 6 bucks (this was all I had with me in my money purse, though I had Rs. 2000/- in my pant pocket which I recently withdrew from ATM). I escaped from her showing her my empty money purse indicating that this was all that I have. When I reached my room, I was contemplating over the entire episode. Whether I did a right thing or wrong ?
I thought, we spend 100 bucks and many times 200 hundred bucks for the movies at multiplexes, but when it comes to giving 30 rupees to cobbler you refuse to give. This is because YOU don’t think that it is worth it
01 July, 2007
One minute please !!
It had three parts
One minute Goal setting
One minute Praise
One minute Reprimand
Here are the steps for all the three
One minute Goal setting
Agree on goals
Set a goal and performance
Write down goals
Read and reread the goals
One minute Praising
Be Upfront
Approximately right
Share feelings
Moment of slience
Encourage more
One Minute Reprimand
Share before hand
Share feeling
Pause for reflection
All these points were explained with famous Hollywood movie "Rocky".
Of all the "One minuters"..I have started practicing..One minute goal setting..
For the other two I am waiting for the right time.
14 June, 2007
U and your organization ( part -1)

12 June, 2007
CeLeBrAtInG 1st BiRtHdAy !!

Originality ... made great people !!

Sigmund Freud, Albert Einstein, Pablo Picasso, Igor Stravinsky, T. S Eliot, Martha Graham
and Mahatma Gandhi.
The author's focus here is to search for patterns to find out similarities and differences.
Author quotes, "I believe that if we can better understand the breakthroughs achieved by individuals deliberately drawn from diverse domain, we should be able to tease out principles that govern creative human activity, wherever it arises I shall argue that a creative breakthrough in one realm cannot be collapsed uncritically with breakthroughs in other realms.”
He also says, “Each creative breakthrough entails an intersection of the childlike and the mature; the peculiar genius of the modern in the century has been the incorporation of the sensibility of a very young child.
The book starts with the description of the principle components in the study of creativity, then goes on to describe the seven personalities in the context of these components and ends with drawing the similarities and differences among these creative minds.
Of all the personalities, the people about whom I was interested to know about were Freud, Einstein and Gandhiji.
Well the things that are still there in me after reading about them are:
They all had a good emotional support of their near and dear ones and friends.
They chose to shine in the area where they felt very wholesome. The area, where they could identify themselves the best.
They all isolated themselves from the society when they stood out with their first breakthrough.
After this, they gained supporters’ support and admirers’ love to make their creation widespread.
While reading this, if you were able to identify yourself with any of the characteristics mentioned above, then you may be the next creating mind of this century.
We all are unique creation of the supreme power that rules this universe and we all have creativity within us. The only thing lacking is the right blend of the circumstances, opportunities, determination and of course luck.
06 June, 2007
Just another post !!

Every moment you live, you judge yourself (right or wrong). This right or wrong is applicable to anything of your life (your career decision, your behavior, and your friends). And we want everything to be right. Well, there are times when you feel that you have made a wrong decision. People say,successful person moves from wrong to the right track . But is it always possible to revert to right track? And is there something called right track of life or is it just a matter of pure luck?
28 May, 2007
Government plans workers’ university
THE INDUSTRY will have to contribute financially if it wants workers whose skills match its needs. The government is considering setting up a Workers’ Technical University that will ensure that India’s working population is able to meet the rapidly changing needs of the industry. The university will require a capital expenditure of Rs 500 crore to be set up, and Rs 100 crore annually after that. It has been proposed that trade unions, large, medium, and small industries and government all help fund the university. A four-member committee headed by G Sanjeeva Reddy, president of the Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC), submitted a feasibility report to the human resource development ministry in early May. On Friday, Dr Reddy met with HRD minister Arjun Singh, UGC chairman, AICTE chairman and ministry officials to discuss a roadmap for the proposed university. The university will not depend on just the government for its funding. One idea being toyed with is that trade unions commit 2% of wages, while large industrial enterprises will contribute 2% of their profit annually towards the university. Medium enterprises will required to give 1.5% of their profits, while small enterprises will allocate 0.5% of their profits annually to the university coffers. For this to be feasible idea, considerable finetuning would be required in terms of which industrial sectors would benefit and hence, contribute. Collecting a percentage of wages and profits would amount to an increase in tax rates. On the issue of management, the Reddy committee has suggested that the technical university could be managed by trustees comprising worker’s representatives. The committee has proposed that the university be based in Hyderabad with 13 regional centres and the entire network is expected to cater to nearly 3 lakh workers and students a year. Linkages with industrial and technical institutes (ITIs) will also need to be developed.
source: The Economic Times
12 May, 2007
The support is within you !!

The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: O Pārtha, when a man gives up all varieties of desire for sense gratification, which arise from mental concoction, and when his mind, thus purified, finds satisfaction in the self alone, then he is said to be in pure transcendental consciousness.
One who is not disturbed in mind even amidst the threefold miseries or elated when there is happiness, and who is free from attachment, fear and anger, is called a sage of steady mind.
In the material world, one who is unaffected by whatever good or evil he may obtain, neither praising it nor despising it, is firmly fixed in perfect knowledge.
One who is able to withdraw his senses from sense objects, as the tortoise draws its limbs within the shell, is firmly fixed in perfect consciousness.
The embodied soul may be restricted from sense enjoyment, though the taste for sense objects remains. But, ceasing such engagements by experiencing a higher taste, he is fixed in consciousness.
The senses are so strong and impetuous, O Arjuna, that they forcibly carry away the mind even of a man of discrimination who is endeavoring to control them.
One who restrains his senses, keeping them under full control, and fixes his consciousness upon Me, is known as a man of steady intelligence.
While contemplating the objects of the senses, a person develops attachment for them, and from such attachment lust develops, and from lust anger arises.
From anger, complete delusion arises, and from delusion bewilderment of memory. When memory is bewildered, intelligence is lost, and when intelligence is lost one falls down again into the material pool.
But a person free from all attachment and aversion and able to control his senses through regulative principles of freedom can obtain the complete mercy of the Lord.

For one thus satisfied [in Krishna consciousness], the threefold miseries of material existence exist no longer; in such satisfied consciousness, one's intelligence is soon well established.
One who is not connected with the Supreme [in Krishna consciousness] can have neither transcendental intelligence nor a steady mind, without which there is no possibility of peace. And how can there be any happiness without peace?
As a strong wind sweeps away a boat on the water, even one of the roaming senses on which the mind focuses can carry away a man's intelligence.
Therefore, O mighty-armed, one whose senses are restrained from their objects is certainly of steady intelligence.
What is night for all beings is the time of awakening for the self-controlled; and the time of awakening for all beings is night for the introspective sage.
A person who is not disturbed by the incessant flow of desires — that enter like rivers into the ocean, which is ever being filled but is always still — can alone achieve peace, and not the man who strives to satisfy such desires.
A person who has given up all desires for sense gratification, who lives free from desires, who has given up all sense of proprietorship and is devoid of false ego — he alone can attain real peace.
That is the way of the spiritual and godly life, after attaining which a man is not bewildered. If one is thus situated even at the hour of death, one can enter into the kingdom of God.
Thanking is a very small word, to express my gratitude towards my parents who instilled such things of atmost importance in me. This will help me, support myself, from within.. !!
Source for translation of verses: - http://www.krishna.com/gitaframeset/gita_frameset.html
28 April, 2007
Scorching Heat and Road side watermelon
Aha it’s Saturday!! I woke up at 10 AM. I had some work in bank so had to go during day time. I decided to go walkie-talkie. Well, I took an umbrella and a scarf to protect myself from the Sun, but I think that was not enough. To and fro distance traveled is somewhere equal to 3 km. While returning back I was really thirsty and was sweating very badly. First, I thought to have some cold drink like my favorite maaza mango. But then I saw watermelon pieces nicely arranged in a plate at a road side shade. I decided to have one plate of it. I asked for the price.

I really felt like heaven. While I was relishing each bite, there were five other customers who were having it. At the end I asked the amount I had to pay. The lady replied 5 rupees. Well actually I felt like asking her about her day's income. I dont know tamil and hence due to language barrier I didn't asked her that. Then I started estimating her income myself based on the sample of customers I saw there. Heat starts killing you at around 11 AM and it lasts up to 6 PM. Lets estimate on an average 25 customers/hour ( considering the fact that the shop was on one of the very busy roads' side).Hence simple math answer is Rs. 875/day. Hence considering a 30 days month, monthly turnover is Rs. 26,250 (wow!!).
Now on an average 1 watermelon serves 3 plates. Hence approximately, 58 watermelons consumed per day. Cost price of 1 watermelon is 5 rupees. Hence monthly cost of watermelon is Rs. 8700...So Net income is Rs. 17550 (Look at the figure guys!!)...Any one wants to be a road side watermelon seller!! Well Frankly speaking I don’t want to be considering the scorching heat and the monotony of the work. But will surely ponder on to this as a business plan. What do you say?
Disclaimer: Financial gurus please take into consideration the ideal conditions. Accordingly please calculate +ve and -ve tolerance for the net income/month ;)
22 April, 2007
Glimpse of Book:- India Unbound

13 April, 2007
Howzzat! HR masterstrokes for BCCI

Malini Goyal NEW DELHI
06 April, 2007
HP's perfect enough ....CARLY ...The Change leader
After graduation, she attended the law school at UCLA (University of California at Los Angeles). However, she opted out of the course after completing one semester. In an interview to Investor's Business Daily, she said that 'lack of interest' had prompted her to drop out since law 'was all about discovering precedent someone else has set.' She then completed a master's degree in science (MS) from MIT's Sloan School.
Fiorina spent nearly 20 years at AT&T and Lucent Technologies, where she held a number of senior leadership positions and directed Lucent's initial public offering and subsequent spin-off from AT&T.

Fiorina joined Hewlett-Packard Company on July 19, 1999 as CEO, succeeding Lewis Platt. She reworked the value statement of the company. She built a new management team. She was responsible for the faster and innovative and learning culture of HP. She undertook a major restructure of the organization and set new performance measures. However, many of Fiorina's initiatives at HP had been controversial. A major one was the HP-Compaq merger, which finally made the board of HP to fire her. In her autobiography Carly mentions “HP had consumed me. My entire life was programmed around it- every moment on the calendar, in advance.”
Some powerful ideas that have driven her life are the foundations laid down by her parents. She strongly believes,” Character is everything and character is defined as candor, integrity and authenticity. Authenticity is about knowing what you believed, being who you were, and standing up for both.”
Fiorina holds positions on the board of trustees of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the Foundation Board of the World Economic Forum. She is an Honorary Fellow of the London Business School. In early September 2005, Fiorina was named a director at Revolution Health Group, a venture formed by Steve Case. In October 2005, Fiorina joined the board of computer security company Cybertrust. In April 2006, Fiorina joined the board of directors for TSMC (Taiwan). Fiorina is an independent TSMC board member and serves on the audit and compensation committees.
Carly Fiorina remains and stands apart as a powerful and innovative leader.
04 April, 2007
Home Sweet Home....my oxygen

13 March, 2007
Morality is a private and costly luxury

John Maxwell
12 March, 2007
Are HR professionals in the people business any longer?

The reason for the `invisibility' that I have implied in the example is the fundamental shift in the way today's HR professionals are seeing their roles. They seem to be taking a "hard" and "business like" view of their roles to the exclusion of the "softer" championship, advocacy and connect dimensions. As a result, many of today's HR professionals are not dealing with "people" as "people" and that is worrying.
While the transformation of HR as a serious partner in today's business environment is welcome, leaving behind the "humanness" is not. While HR professionals are busy designing and implementing programmes that are intended to benefit people, their current mode of relating with people seems to be what psychologists would call "agentic" — a cold approach, caring less about their feelings but more about what one wants from them.
This is what has prompted me to ask if HR professionals are in the people business any longer?
The five drivers
I see five factors driving this new "HR attitude towards people".
The preoccupation with becoming a strategic partner
It looks like some HR folks read only parts of Dave Ulrich's landmark book. While he spoke with as much gusto about the employee champion role as he did about the strategic partner role, most seem to consider the latter more attractive. In fact, the preoccupation is so severe that "being in touch with employees" is seen as totally non-strategic.
In my opinion, being champions and advocates is indeed strategic. It is for this reason that HR professionals were traditionally groomed in the "employee relations" role before being moved into "corporate" roles.
The frustration with the lack of reciprocity
In the past, the people-friendly attitude and actions of the HR professional met with a fair amount of reciprocity from the employees. Using the depth of this relationship, HR leaders were able to solve sticky people problems, negotiate with unions and hire and retain employees. In the emerging employment arrangements that we are witnessing, the relationship and persuasive powers of the HR Manager is unable to match the harsh forces of the labour market.
This is obviously leading to a certain level of frustration and anger among the HR folks with employees and their attitudes. The empathy and Theory Y assumptions needed among HR professionals to deal with the situation are not evident. Nor is there reflection about how they seem to have contributed to these changing (read bad) employee attitudes!
Disconnected by design
As organisations scale like never before, HR professionals have to spread themselves thinner than ever before. Spread thin beyond a point, HR presence becomes meaningless and leads to complete disconnect. The need for focus and specialisation is also driving the HR functions into silos. Like the super-specialist medical professional, each vertical within the HR looks only at one aspect of the employee - talent acquisition, talent engagement, talent development and so on. No one seems to be seeing the whole human being!
Feverish HR outsourcing, recourse to self-help technologies, emphasis on managerial responsibility for people and other such actions are also making HR more and more disconnected from people.
The modern HR manager has fewer and fewer touch points with his or her employees and this does not seem to cause any worry. Right from selection interviews to exit interviews, external service providers are taking over.
Mistaking a `Talent mind-set' for a `people mind-set'
HR is now called talent management and HR professionals prefix or suffix these words to their titles. Many believe that this gives the function and the professional a greater sense of purpose.
The only problem is that "Human" is now missing not only in spirit but also in "letter"!
The way the term talent is used also gives me the sense that HR is in the business of materials management and not in the business of people!
While the urgency to compete and establish supremacy in the labour market is high, the orientation seems more mechanistic and less humanistic.
Less science more techniques
Many of today's HR professionals lack knowledge about the basic science of human behaviour which forms the edifice for understanding people and their motives.
On the other hand they are overwhelmed with what today's HR consulting firms dish out - talent assessments methodologies, engagement models, criteria for becoming the "best in the list" and so on.
A sound grounding in the science of human behaviour would have helped today's HR professionals diagnose people issues better and strike a better balance between business demands and people's needs. Without this understanding of people, the empathy and concern are hard to come by.
The HR profession is undoubtedly under a lot of pressure given that most of today's business problems revolve around people. Merely being the warm and fuzzy guy around will not do. Giving up the people agenda altogether will not do either!
So... .
Let's get in touch with our own humanness
Let's understand the people behind the talent
Let's reconnect with these people as people
(The author is the founder and CEO of totus consulting, a strategic HR consulting firm that designs and implements systems and processes for organisations across diverse industries. He can be reached at
10 March, 2007
A Triumph of Story telling

08 March, 2007
Igniting women entrepreneurship

If we could get the poor and ill-educated women to earn their own money, we would have more warriors in the fight against poverty, and more champions of the girl child, says Rama Bijapurkar
THE new buzz in the conference circuit is the arithmetic argument that there could be a big GDP boost if more Indian women became economically active (77% of urban housewives, 60% of rural do not work outside the home). To me, a more compelling pay off of women earning is the resultant increase in their self-esteem and negotiating power with family and society and the resultant social and human development benefits. More importantly, if we could get the poor and the ill-educated women to earn their own money, we would have more warriors in the fight against poverty, and more champions of the girl child.
Dont try to change others to suit you!!
03 March, 2007
It’s back to school for retail head-hunters

Samidha Sharma & Deepshikha Monga NEW DELHI
THE retail sector's hunt for manpower is leading players to hitherto uncharted territory. Now, school students (Class X and XII passouts) are being roped in to help the sector satisfy its insatiable appetite for skilled workforce. So, companies such as Reliance Retail, Pantaloon and Godrej Agrovet are going to schools to scout for talent. Reliance Retail, which plans to recruit around 5 lakh employees for its venture over the next five years, expects to hire around 60-70% of its front-end staff from government schools. These Class XII passouts then undergo a sixmonth training programme before getting on to the shop floor. Similarly, Pantaloon Retail hires as many as 300 school passouts from both government and private schools, out of the 600 it recruits every month. The retail major also gives them an option of pursuing a BBA in Retail through distance-learning programmes at Madurai Kamaraj University and pays half the fee on completion of one year of the course. It currently has on its rolls around 3,500 school passouts, picked up from various schools in the country. "The distance-learning BBA programme offers these youngsters a chance to chart out a career path of growth and an opportunity to become more than mere shopfloor attendants," says Pantaloon Retail HR head Sanjay Jog. The retailer has a five-week operations and sales training programme for its recruits and a week-long training on self-development. On the other hand, Godrej Agrovet, the Rs 870-crore rural retail initiative of the Godrej Group, trains Class X passouts under its sixmonth ‘Godrej Aadhaar Krishi Gurukul’ programme. It has so far trained 85 students in the field of agricultural advisory services, apart from personality development, computer skills and sales. It will train another batch of 120 students by May this year and plans to train about 1,000 such students by March 2008. According to CII, the retail sector can absorb 90 lakh people over the next five years. Ma Foi Management Consultants has been recruiting Class XII passouts for retail players and expects this trend to catch up as organised retail goes on an expansion spree. Says the HR consultancy’s chief operating office, E Balaji, "Both employee development and retention are on the agenda of retailers who are hiring in bulk, in anticipation of their massive expansion exercise."
Source : - The Economic Times